Washington and Lee University Law School Overview The School of Law at Washington and Lee University has an application deadline of July 1. The full-time program application fee at the School of Law at Washington and Lee University is $0. Its tuition is full-time: $55,550. The student-fa...
The Wahsington and Lee University of Law school 学院官网 学院信息 录取率 41.3% 就业率 84.20% 录取平均成绩 平均本科GPA 3.56 学院项目 我们希望您能对我们的服务满意 如果您对我们的服务流程有任何建议及意见,欢迎发送邮件至support@cheersu.com。
大学由两个本科学院和一所研究生院组成。本科学院分别是文理学院(the college)和集商业,经济与政治为一体的威廉姆斯商学院(the Williams school of Commerce, Economics and Politics)。其中,本科学院涵盖了通识教育的课程,特别的是它还提供法律预科(pre-law)的课程。而廉姆斯商业、经济与政治学院和法学院提供会计、...
Find everything you need to know about Washington and Lee University, including tuition & financial aid, student life, application info, academics & more.
而有些更严格的学校考试也不少,比如uiuc,gt之类,基础不好的gpa真的会崩掉。当然美国学校硕博课压力反而小一些似乎是常态。 最主要优点还是科研机会多。uw不少专业master招人数量并不多,本科生进lab氛围也不是特别浓,学校也鼓励学生做科研,想进lab的大多都能进。不过实事求是的说,虽然大部分专业都有thesis master...
多久收到决定:一般递交申请八周后会收到GW LAW的决定。非全日制JD和全日制JD: GW法律的录取标准对...
In 2018, the average high school GPA of Washington University at St. Louis' freshmen class was 4.15, and over 85% of incoming students had GPAs of 3.75 and above. These results suggest that most successful applicants to WUSTL have primarily A grades. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph Wash...
While the prestigious school is known for molding teens into world leaders, its history is far more nefarious—and far more entangled with the forest—than anyone could begin to suspect. Seventeen-year-old Douglas Jones wants nothing to do with Regent’s king-making; he’s just trying to ...
Playwright Young Jean Lee’s creative process begins with fear. Part of her artistic mission is to ask herself what play she least wants to make and challenge herself with that very task. For Forum Theatre Artistic Director Michael Dove, producing Lee’s work has also meant allowing fear to ...
Restivo, Bailey, Walmart senior director of government affairs Bill Thorne, and Terry Lee from public relations firm Walker Marchant all showed up for meetings with councilmembers. Even though Walmart’s people weren’t asking for tax abatements or zoning changes, it was important to stay in ...