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洗衣机(Washing-machine) 资源编号 : 42827441 格式: png,svg,eps 文件体积 : 8k png版本 8k png版本 svg版本 eps版本 收藏 评论 详情页 投诉 分享 爱给网提供海量的图标库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为png,svg,eps 格式的洗衣机(Washing-machine), 本站编号42827441, 该图标库素材大小为8k, ...
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Features Fit Loads in Wash bedding and doonas in one load with a large drum. This XL capacity size means fewer loads, and fewer loads means more time doing other things you love. Handy built-in pre-treatment sink The Activ DualWash™ includes a convenient built-in sink and a ...
Samsung top-load washing machine 21kg is one of the best heavy duty washing machines. Explore Samsung washing machine features & buy it from Samsung KSA.
ADHESIVE: This is a peel and stick backing to hold a patch is place for a single event. Will not hold up to machine washing. If you desire your patch to stay in place permanently, go with the heat seal option, or plastic and sew your patches....