The subjects were told that they had to perform a sensorimotor coor- dination task in order to maintain concentration and attention for the second part of the eye-tracking session. The subjects played Jenga for two minutes, but half of them previously washed their hands, alleg- edly due to...
For example, participants were 14 times more likely to wash their hands when the disgust olfactory cue was presented compared to when the control was presented. Additionally, the Figure 1. Logistic regression analysis showed the probability for individuals to wash their hands was different across...
2.4. Analysis of Photographic Material The surface area of the hands was visually assessed by including a square of 0.6 cm2 in the photographs. A missed area larger than 0.6 cm2 was defined as a major error, while a missed area smaller than 0.6 cm2 was defined as a minor error [49]....