Discover LG WD14700RD. Click for pictures, reviews, and tech specs for the LG 7kg/4kg Combined Washer & Dryer (WELS 4 Star, 71.5 Litres per wash).
Clothes dryers and washer-dryerPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a clothing drying machine and a washing and drying machine, capable of effectively smoothing wrinkles of clothing even in a limited and narrow space in a drum.桐山 博之尾関 祐仁寺井 謙治...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a dish washer and dryer capable of improving the detergency of a detergent and reducing the amounts of the detergent by simultaneously or separately charging the detergent and a regenerant into a container accommodating ion exchange resins, and removing ion ...
WASHER/DRYERPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To improve reliability and durability by suppressing a heat pump device from being affected by the vibration of a rotary tank in a washer/dryer mounted with the heat pump.YABUUCHI HIDETAKA藪内 秀隆NAKAMOTO SHIGEHARU...
A CONTROL METHOD FOR A WASHER/DRYERThe present invention relates to a washer/dryer (1) and the control method thereof, wherein the drying process is accomplished effectively, especially without damaging the clothes with metal accessories during the drying process.TATAR Hakan Arelik Anonim Sirketi...
DISH WASHER AND DRYERPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To solve the problem in a conventional dish washer and drier to be set in a kitchen or the like that a body is fallen in the operation of the dish washer and drier.INUI HIROAKI乾 浩章YURA MASAKI由良 政樹...