rotaries, speed humps), most of which are bicycle-hostile. Long before Portland was considered bicycle friendly, I rode in Portland a lot. Today, when I ride there, I feel much less safe, particularly when a giant TriMet bus tries to pass me on one of the city's skinny streets. ...
Anyway, there is more about the recent history ofDDOTand biking, including the bike plan, bike lanes, the Bike Station and CapitalBikeshare; and how that is getting the "Interested but Concerned" onto bikes in DC The bike lanes convinced Liz Casey and Mary Kirby, both 23, to test their ...
Finally, here's the list of the longest tunnel by state. Note that, like Delaware, not every state has a bike/ped tunnel. The number refers to it's rank among all bike/ped tunnels. Also, even though the St. Paul Pass Tunnel crosses from Montana to Idaho, I counted it as neither'...
The report calls for the DOT to consider bicyclists and pedestrians in current and future safety research, assessments and guidelines for cars; to push for more separated bike facilities; and for more to be done to improve conspicuity of cyclists. They also recommend that state governments: Requ...
Contractors closed up the sites and then management was transferred to the state which took over, via MDOT and MTA, some of the contracts. The state says it's committed to completing the project, and using money from the Transportation Trust Fund to do so, but Maryland also says that the...
Secretary of State John Kerrygave a speach on his first dayand talked about his first diplomatic passpart - the one he got as an 11-year old when his father was a Foreign Service Officer. we went to Berlin, and this was not too long after the war, and I used to ride my bicycle ...
In a couple of stories about the new Pennsylvania Ave NW bike lanes that are opening this week one thing is clear: AAA is kicking our asses. (Update: add the Post to the list) Seriously, how are they able to...
The Master Plan Update improves the overall pedestrian and bicycle circulation on the Pentagon Reservation by connecting the external trails surrounding the Reservation with routes on the Reservation in order to provide Pentagon employees a clear and direct route from the external trails to the employee...
DDOT has released their draft final report that includes separate elements for different modes, including bicycles, in Part 2. You can view the all of the MoveDC documents online and/or download it by going to the wemovedc website:
Only somewhat related, but if DC gets statehood maybe part of thatwhole map reworkingshould include the transfer of Columbia Island and TR Island to Virginia (at least jurisdictionally, as we've done with the Alexandria waterfront). It just makes more sense. ...