假如想要表达具体染成什么颜色, 可以直接在后面加上颜色,比如说“把我的头发染成红色”,那就是dye my hair red。例句:She dyed her hair blonde.她把头发染成了金黄色。而如果你想表达“烫发”,你可以说get a permanent。很多人看到permanent这个词时,第一反应就是“永恒的”,但其实呢,它还有另一个意...
假如想要表达具体染成什么颜色, 可以直接在后面加上颜色,比如说“把我的头发染成红色”,那就是dye my hair red。 例句: She dyed her hair blonde. 她把头发染成了金黄色。 而如果你想表达“烫发”,你可以说get a permanent。...
假如想要表达具体染成什么颜色, 可以直接在后面加上颜色,比如说“把我的头发染成红色”,那就是dye my hair red。 例句: She dyed her hair blonde. 她把头发染成了金黄色。 而如果你想表达“烫发”,你可以说get a permanent。 很多人看到permanent这个词时,第一反应就是“永恒的”,但其实呢,它还有另一个...
假如想要表达具体染成什么颜色, 可以直接在后面加上颜色,比如说“把我的头发染成红色”,那就是dye my hair red。 例句: She dyed her hair blonde. 她把头发染成了金黄色。 而如果你想表达“烫发”,你可以说get a permanent。 很多人看到permanent这个词时,第一反应就是“永恒的”,但其实呢,它还有另一个...
1.have one’s hair permed 2.have a permanent wave 例句 I'd like to have a permanent wave. 我要烫头发。 I'd like to have my hair permed in waves. Do you think it'll suit me? 我想把头发烫成波浪卷。你觉得...
Many women begin colouring their hair in their mid-30s. 很多女人在三十五岁左右开始染发。 烫发 一款可意的新的发型可以拉高颜值和气质,让人愉悦许久,小卷和大波浪各有自己的风情。“烫发”的英语表达有多种,下面来看2种常见方式:1.have one’s hair permed2.have a permanent wave例句I'd like to have ...
1.have one’s hair permed 2.have a permanent wave 例句 I'd like to have a permanent wave. 我要烫头发。 I'd like to have my hair permed in waves. Do you think it'll suit me? 我想把头发烫成波浪卷。你觉得适合我吗? 做头发
例句I shampoo my hair every other day.我隔天洗一次头。She gets used to having a shampoo before going out.她习惯出门之前洗一下头。’洗剪吹”之“剪吹”理发hair的习语和搭配真是不老少,一抓一把,吉米老师从中选择了一些平时经常使用的短语,我们一起来看一下~~平时我们去理发店的基本三件套一般是“...
Temporary hair dye is a just use shampoo washing time you can remove the hair coloring hair dye. Because of these hair dye larger particles can not through the epidermis into the dry, but is deposited on the hair surface, forming a colored coating layer. , So that the interaction of the...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Tom's Right! Hair Dye on Men Just Won't Wash" - Daily Mail (London), July 9, 2012Daily Mail (London)daily mail