Nonetheless, and unlike in DC, most of the 77 comments they got were negative. People complained they were an eyesore, that bikes are left in the wrong places, that they took up valuable rack space, that the batteries died in the winter or that the county shouldn't pay for this (they...
If that becomes the scale - 0-40% - then let's say above 20% is an A, 10-20% is a B, 5-10% is a C, 2.5-5% is a D and below 2.5% is an F. DC is at 2%, so the answer is "not very," just like almost every other city in the world. It looks like there will be...
Arlington County and Alexandriahave applied for a SMART SCALE grantthat will allow them to widen and improve the Virginia portion of the Mt. Vernon Trail between Roosevelt Island and Jones Point Park. The portion that runs across Columbia Island is in DC and will be funded separately. The proj...
si). Mass of Catalysts (g) T50 MofasDsCofMCaCtaolnyvstesr(sgi)on DCTM50Coof nDvCeMrsCioonnvaetr5s0io0n°C DC%MHCConlversion at 500 ◦C T50 % HCl CO (ppm) CO (ppm) CH2O (ppm) CH2O (ppm) CH3Cl (ppm) CH3Cl (ppm) Formed byproducts (ppm) 5T0050°C 500T◦50C 5T0050...
DC MPD Recovered bikes Recent Posts No, the District is not lying to us about bike lanes Work on the Capital Crescent Trail extension to restart soon The Other GAP trail 2022: An updated status of the Metropolitan Branch Trail Arlington's natural surface trails study; pump tracks, bike parks...
would be taxable). This has been tried in California, on a much more limited scale, and it was found to decrease single occupancy vehicle commutes by 10-12%. There's reason to believe that because DC is so much more transit, bike and walk conducive that it would cause an even larger...
Here in DC, the big changes are thata few of the dockless companies have left, others have been bought with those staying shifting hard to scooters, the pilot will end soon with new bikes required to be lock-to and CaBi bringing e-bikes into the mix. ...