The library of Waseda University is one of the largest in Japan, and is a unique collection. It was established in 1882, and currently holds some 4.5 million volumes and 46,000 serials.The Waseda University Library (早稲田大学図書館; Waseda Daigaku Toshokan) was originally established at the...
日本早稻田大学Waseda University; WASEDA 早稻田大学图书馆Waseda University Library 双语例句 1. Both Waseda University and the companies represented are clients of Resona. 早稻田大学和出席的公司都是Resona的客户。 —— 给力词典精选 2. ´All roads in the world lead to Waseda.´ This is a well...
1.WasedaUniversity早稻田大学;日本早稻田大学;早稲田大学;早稻田 2.WasedaUniversity Library早稻田大学图书馆 ofwaseda早稻田大学 4.keio andWaseda两所私立大学 5.WASEDAUNIV早稻田大学 6.Honjo-waseda本庄早稻田 7.UshitaWaseda牛田早稲田 ...
『坚田记』-WasedaUniversityLibrary,Waseda.PDF 28页内容提供方:l215322 大小:2.01 MB 字数:约2.52万字 发布时间:2017-06-27发布于江苏 浏览人气:0 下载次数:仅上传者可见 收藏次数:0 需要金币:*** 金币 (10金币=人民币1元)『坚田记』-WasedaUniversityLibrary,Waseda.PDF 关闭预览 想预览更多内容...
Waseda University Library developed Integrated Multi Archiving Service (IMAS) to provide a variety of digital resources stored in house or via Internet, such as library catalogs, Waseda produced digitized materials or an encyclopedia by one cross searching. This paper introduces IMAS on the basis of...
Waseda University Library, Reading Hall The Waseda University Library, designed by Tachu Naitō, Kenji Imai and Kin'ichi Kiriyama, was completed in 1925. This five-story building, with a total area of 1,195 tsubo (坪) (about 3,944 square meters), was used initially as the University Libra...
设计师将早稻田大学原有的早稻田校园4号馆改造成了村上春树图书馆,一条“木之隧道”贯穿其间,这是村上春树小说中“隧道”概念的建筑表达,穿越了时空的概念。 We renovated the Waseda University Campus Building #4 into the new Haruki Murakami Library as a “wooden tunnel” that penetrates through the ...
早稻田大学(Waseda University),简称早大,是日本极负盛名的世界顶尖大学,本部设在日本东京都新宿区。1882年伴随着“学问要独立”的宣言声,早稻田大学于东京诞生。而今,建校134年的早稻田大学,已发展成为一所世界著名学府。 早稻田大学作为日本超级国际化大学计划(Top Global University Project)A类顶尖校,日本RU11学术...
In 1937, a monument was inscribed at Waseda University in calligraphy by Japanese statesman Hisoka Maejima and installed near the main gate. It held that its mission would be the fostering of good citizens, and an independence of scholarship that would c