Übersetzung Deutsch-Niederländisch für WASCHMITTEL im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
Test-procedures and results on the toxicity and irritation for these washing agents are reported for cutaneous application, and studies on skin-sensibilisation are described.doi:10.1002/lipi.19710730312Dr. G. J. SchmittProcter & Gamble GmbH, WormsJ. Thiernagand...
Übersetzung Deutsch-Dänisch für HAARWASCHMITTEL im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
), having a ratio of total solid constituents to total liquid constituents of less than 30:1, wherein the perfume is sorbed onto carrier particles which release at least 60% w/w/ of the perfume in the Perfume Release Test and which are inert as defined by the Perfume Stability Test. ...
The results were worked up with a new and practical statistical ring test evaluation procedure. This procedure does not require the elaborated data set to be homogeneous as an implication for the evaluation. Compared with other procedures fewer outliers are eliminated. With respect to reproducibility ...
Mai 1992 abgegeben hast, könntest du sagen: jw2019 一小 時前 有人 發現你 丈夫 出現 在 附近 的 便利店 Ihr Ehemann wurde gesehen, in einem Supermarkt in der Nähe, vor ca. einer Stunde. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 这就是它们现在的归宿, 在未知世界的边缘蓄势待发。 Und hier liegen...
SchließlichkönnenauchVorschriftenüberdie AngabevonDosierungsempfehlungenunddie kostenloseAbgabevonTeststreifenzur Bestimmungder WasserhärteerlassenwerdenoderüberInhalt,Art,Form,Größe,BeschaffenheitundOrt der Anbringungder Kennzeichnungauf der Verpak-kung.361 Published Online: 2021-06-01 ...
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Four test methods from the special literature are treated. The results from these can be employed for a preliminary assessment of washing agents. In three of these test methods soiling of the fabrics with radioactive labelled pigments, synthetic sebum and synthetic sebum plus air-filter impurity re...
This was essentially achieved in that use was made of a cellulase mixture in which the first component, with a CMCase activity of 1 U per litre and a protein concentration of a most 3 mg per litre, gives an increase in remission of at least 5 units in the secondary washing test and ...