Subject Exercises: Was or Were Exercises 1 - Was vs Were Exercises 2 - Am Is Are Was Were Exercises 1 Am Is Are Was Were Exercises 2 To Be Verbs Different Tenses Drag & Drop Exercises: Am / Is / Are Exercise 1 Am / Is / Are Exercise 2 PDF: Kids Was / Were ExerciseTry...
3.Dotheexercisesinstudents’book. Unit6Whenwasitinvented? SectionA(1a~2d) 板书设计 (1)—Whenwasthetelephoneinvented?—Ithinkitwasinventedin1876. (2)—Whataretheyusedfor?—Theyareusedforseeingatnight. 1.这是听力和口语练习的时间。在听听力之前,学生讨论四种常见的事物,并准 备好听力所需的单词。然...
1、Was and wereClick below the question to reveal the answer.On Saturday he was at home.Where was Tim on Saturday?On Sunday they were at the park.Where were Julia and Nancy on Sunday?On Monday we were at the cinema.Where were you and your family on Monday?On Tuesday they were at th...
Two C. OnceBCCACExercises一、单项选择。BCCAC二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Alice went down the hole without_. (cry)2.She_ (not think) Im a good student.3.I have something_. (do)4.He_(play) basketball at 10 am yesterday.5.Feifei_(write) when the electricity went off.cryingdoesnt...
Drag and Drop Exercises: Modals Drag and Drop 1 / 2 / 3Other Drag & Drop Grammar Exercises Multiple Choice Exercises: Modal Verbs Tests PDF Worksheets: 1 / 2 / 3 Can-Could / Am-Is-Are...Was-Were Able to are mostly used in a similar way, however there are some rules and difference...
Step7Exercises. 课时2.SectionB.(1a—1d) Step1:Warming-up.Talkabouttheirlasttrip. Step2:Matchthepictureswiththeactivities,thendescribetheactivities usingthesimplepasttense. Step3:Listening.(通过让他们带着问题听、听关键词,模读等环节训 练他们听的能力。) ...
A.areaskedB.wereasked C.wibeaskedD.shoudbeasked 6.2(023•黑龙江绥化•中考真题)Thestudentshowtodoeyeexercisesjustnow. A.wastaughtB.weretaughtC.taught 7.2(023•四川乐山•中考真题)一Whostheittegirinthephoto? ——Ifsme.ThephotowhenIwasfiveyearsod. A.tookB.wastakenC.istaken 8.2(023・湖南...
2) Key structures: a) When waswere invented? b) Who waswere invented by? c) What is i 2、tare they used for? 3) The Passive Voice. 2. Ability aims: 1)Learn to talk about the history of inventions. 2)Improve listening ability and oral English through exercises. 3. Moral aims: ...
The___lotsofsalt___thefishyesterday.calledcookputwereinventedon Summary炸土豆片错误地;无意中在……上撒很多盐potatochips?bymistake?putlotsofsalton... HomeworkWriteashortpassageaboutthehistoryofyourfavoritefood.Finishtheexercises.3.Previewthenewwordsandexpressions.4.PreviewthepassageDoYouKnowWhenBasketball...
Weeks later, Ara found that the second farm was much cleaner. The farmers got more milk.They were thankful to Ara and willing to share tips with others. At the next meeting,Many more farmers8. That evening, Ara's father gave h...