批处理脚本中出现的错误信息 "was unexpected at this time" 通常是由于语法错误导致的。在您提供的脚本中,可能存在几个潜在的问题。以下是一些修改建议:在 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 之后,您需要使用 ! 来包围变量,以启用延迟变量扩展。但是,您也需要确保在每个需要使用延迟扩展的代码块的开始和...
echo was unexpected at this time 此时的回声是出乎意料的 我是来自于“百度资源共享”芝麻团的团长:善良的我啊你 答案满意请采纳谢谢思密达
After executing averify.bat, getting the error Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_102"" was unexpected at this time. D:\p26301177_9_GENERIC\Averify\bin>averify.bat NOTE: Recommend that application server(s) be stopped and the database not be modified while Averify is running. Please input the database...
有些天没有启动weblogic 11g了,打开一看忽见报以下异常,主要提示 QTJava.zip was unexpected at this time 如下图: 上网查了查相关帮助,最后我总结了一下解决方法供大伙参考一下哈: 到计算机环境变量中,先找到 QTJava 变量,直接删之。 不要以为这样就结束了,可以试试重新启动一下...
for /f "delims=" %%i in (.\tasklist.txt) do ( echo %%i ) **显示 %%i was unexpected at this time我在另外个批处理里边也是这么用的,Why? 答案 %%i是在批处理文件里面的用法,即你需要报上面这个命令写入一个.bat或.cmd命令中,然后执行; 如果是在命令行下直接执行,则只需要用一个%,即上面写成:c...
i是在批处理文件里面的用法,即你需要报上面这个命令写入一个.bat或.cmd命令中, 然后执行; 如果是在命令行下直接执行, 则只需要用一个%, 即上面写成: c:\temp>for /f "delims=" %i in (.\tasklist.txt) do (echo %i ) 假设你在C:盘的temp目录下执行这个命令, 而且c:\temp下有...
I have a model which contains an S-function block which calls a C-function. I am able to run my model normally. However when I run my model in accelerated mode, I receive the following error message, during the build process: 테마복사 | wa...
it inserts a '&' symbol at the beginning of the command and the commands failed with "& was unexpected at this time." my terminal is cmd.exe It's the same problem as #5916 I believe it has been solved and that issue is closed, don't know why it happens again now Activity bububut...
for /f "delims=" %%i in (.\tasklist.txt) do ( echo %%i ) **显示 %%i was unexpected at this time我在另外个批处理里边也是这么用的,Why? 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析解答一 举报 %%i是在批处理文件里面的用法,即你需要报上面这个命令写入一个.bat或.cmd命令中,然后...
The problem is that when I try and run this .cmd file in cmd it says it "was unexpected at this time". Sign in to comment Rich Matheisen45,111Reputation points Apr 13, 2023, 6:40 AM The quoting on this line in your .bat file isn't right: ...