But then I walk by a restaurant where they strategically make the kitchen smells come from the sidewalk grate, my friend texts me that she’s craving tacos, or I realize it’s been over 48 hours since a I’ve posted a meal on Instagram and the blood starts crawling more and more slowl...
like Esquire under Harold Hayes and the New Yorker under William Shawn. The big cliché about Playboy has long been that it benefited from "the Sexual Revolution." Duh. But the reasons it flourished went well beyond that. Playboy
I'm the logical choiceAnd bring the gold plaques that was ready to hoistCause me and Bleedy Eyes came to bring the surpriseI sold 40 thou, now I'm ready to riseAnd bubble to the top while you're prayin we flopI whip a nigga's ass, have him callin the copsIt just don't stop...
No less improbable than the man’s life is the miraculous survival of the manuscript itself. Casanova bequeathed it on his deathbed to his nephew, whose descendants sold it 22 years later to a German publisher, Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus of Leipzig. For nearly 140 years, the Brockhaus family k...
When Gordon’s father, J. Paul Getty died, Gordon assumed control of the family’s approximately $2 billion family trust. In 1986, he sold Getty Oil to Texaco, cementing his position as one of the wealthiest people in the U.S.
I used to walk by it every day to grade school, and how I coveted that stately brick mansion (currently for sale at $1,495,000). Why couldn’t we live there? Mr. Stronks had once been very successful in the encyclopedia distribution business, and built this house in 1928, at the ...
Secrets of Playboyis awash in archival material, and on occasion it shrewdly uses Hefner soundbites—in juxtaposition with Playmates’ current denunciations—to underscore his hypocrisy and lies. The overarching contention here is that Hefner sold Playboy as a bastion of wholesom...