Up to WW2, theOSS used the Big Joe 5 crossbows for assassinations. Nowadays, crossbow are no longer used for this, but there are still uses for a crossbow. For example, in the Americas, thePeruvian army (Ejército) equips some soldiers with crossbows and rope, to establish a zip-line ...
According to Lothar Machtan's"The Hidden Hitler"(2001), Hitler was a homosexual with a long police record for harassing men in both in Munich and Vienna. These records reached both Russia and England but were never used for propaganda, more evidence that the war may have been a charade. ...
The Jewish holocaust took place in the context of "Generalplan Ost"("General Plan, East") the planned genocide of over 50 million Slavs, 75 % of the population of Nazi-occupied Poland, Ukraine and Russia. The Nazis intended to "Germanize" a few of the remaining 25%, and keep the rest...
“I used to think as I looked at the Hollywood night, ‘There must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie star. But I’m not going to worry about them. I’m dreaming the hardest.'” (on her time in orphanages was a child) “The world around me...
That means that most Bonanza pilots were not used to such a clean airplane that was not stable in roll. Unlike the Cirrus, not much early Bonanza flying was IFR. It could be done but the system was pretty crude in the years after the war and there was little capacity. ...