Key, Ivor
The continuity of the United States of America greatly depends upon JFK and 9/11 truth being revealed. The Trump presidency may be the last chance to take back the nation from those who have stolen it. May the patriotic spirit of John F. Kennedy inspire Americans everywhere to speak the in...
John Jr. and Caroline would frolic in the Oval Office and get treats like gum from their father, the president, when their mom, First Lady Jackie Kennedy, was out of town.
The coverup of the truth behind the USSLibertyattacks was heavy-handedly thorough from the start. Crew were warned, actually threatened, in person by Admiral Kidd that they were not to talk to one another, to their families, and especially to the media—or they would face imprisonment “or ...
“To me there was no other choice,” Kennerly continued. “In 2022 Liz also received a Profile in Courage award from the JFK Foundation along with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. They said she had been a ‘consistent and courageous voice in defense ...
Byline: ALANA FEARON AN explosive new book by John F Kennedy Jr's former personal assistant...The Mirror (London, England)
Like his famous relatives, JFK Jr. was one of the familia.Rodriguez, Joe
JFK Jr. marriage was a rocky one, book saysCompiled from wire reports by Rick House
Woman Who Claimed Affair With JFK Asserts She Was His Conduit to MafiaGeorge Lardner Jr