The importance of reversible protein phosphorylation to cellular regulation cannot be overstated. In eukaryotic cells, protein kinase/phosphatase signaling pathways regulate a staggering number of cellular processes, including cell proliferation, cell death (apoptosis, necroptosis, necrosis), metabolism (at ...
摘要: Our observations demonstrated that impaired autophagy may be associated with BRAF V600E mutation. However, large sample studies with long-term follow-up were required.关键词: Autophagy-related protein BRAF V600E Epilepsy Glioneuronal tumors ...
438) oder Erfahrungen, die eher mechanistischer Natur sind, zur Modellentwicklung herangezogen werden. Modelle können dabei vielfältige Repräsentationsformen aufweisen, zum Beispiel als Zeichnung (Chittleborough und Treagust 2007; Quillin und Thomas 2015) oder digital (Sins et al. 2005...
(RI, 0.26–1.65), increased β2-microglobulin of 6.2 mg/L (RI, 1.0–2.1 mg/L), increased total protein of 13.8 g/dL (RI, 6.1–8.2 g/dL), and a band of IgG λ monoclonal protein (M-protein) of 7 g/dL detected by protein electrophoresis and characterized by immunofixation ...
Technologie entwickelt sich so schnell, dass sich die generative KI von morgen vermutlich deutlich von der heutigen unterscheiden wird. Wenn wir im Umgang mit den Tools aufgeschlossen und achtsam sind, können wir ihre Vorteile maximal ausnutzen – und gleichzeitig mögliche Fallstricke ver...
aThese results unambiguously indicated that the digested EuIPI protein was able to catalyze the conversion of IPP to DMAPP in vitro, confirming that the cDNA clone isolated from E. ulmoides encoded a functional IPP isomerase. 这些结果毫不含糊地表明被消化的EuIPI蛋白质能摧化IPP转换向DMAPP体外,...
"... a mutation in one or more of non-structural protein(s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16." Let that sink in… May 2018 A sudden exit of the head of the “pandemic response” team in America exits. It is not cordial, and appears that he...
aThe BKLP2 gene was Iigated with pet32a vector ,and transformed recombi-nant into E.coli BL21 cells.After induction by IPTG in E.coli BL21,the 58 ku recombinant protein was obtained by SDS-PAGE. BKLP2基因Iigated以pet32a传染媒介和被变换的再组合入E.coli BL21细胞。在归纳以后由IPTG在E.coli...
Post-nat al development of Protein C K-sensit ive i n Full- t e r m n e wborn s. I nstitu t e of Clinic a l and Preven t i ve Pe d i a t rics, Univers i ty of Bari, Bar i , ·I t a l y The purpose of thi s study was t o determine t he con e cent ...
Post-nat a l developmen t of Protein C K- sens itive i n Fu l l-ter m n ewborn s. I nstitut e of Clinica l and Preven t i ve Pediatric s , Univers i ty of Bari, Bari, -I t a l y The purpo se of this study was t o de t ermine t h e cone c en t ration of...