This is the country, of these beloved Natives, which has been THRICE BLESSED and considered Saviour’s of BUDDHISM, doctrine espoused by Prince Siddhartha – Gautama, The Buddha!!!??? Oouch!!!??? MY FOOT!!!??? ENJOY THE NEXT BOUT!!! Heard by most influential Pohottuwa Party hack...
Was Du Fu the same person as Confucius? Was Babur a Buddhist? Did Confucius live during the Qin Dynasty? What was China like during Confucius' lifetime? Who is Siddhartha Gautama Buddha? What century did Confucius live in? Who did Confucius influence? Who are the authors of ''The Analects...
The very reason why the traditional dating of Adi Shankaracharya was rejected was that it would make him a younger contemporary of Gautama Buddha whereas Adi Shankara was even younger to the Mahayana Buddhist philosophers such as Nagarjuna and Vasubandhu who came many centuries after Buddha. Infact...
This is the country, of these beloved Natives, which has been THRICE BLESSED and considered Saviour’s of BUDDHISM, doctrine espoused by Prince Siddhartha – Gautama, The Buddha!!!??? Oouch!!!??? MY FOOT!!!??? ENJOY THE NEXT BOUT!!! Heard by most influential Pohottuwa...