Bane began explaining how he and Hardeen joined Eval in his plot to kidnap Republic Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, though the job went awry when it was revealed that Hardeen was in fact an undercover Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Once he finished, he turned to Boba and admitted that his ...
At the beginning of developing the new movies, Lucasfilm was "toying" with an Obi-Wan connection for Rey, Ridley says.
Sideshow's statues are not an immediate gift, taking months or sometimes a whole year to finally arrive, but these are the granddaddy of all Darth Vader figures. This post-Mustafar-battle statue from the Obi-Wan Kenobi series features a rolling eye, LED lightsaber, nine se...
It looks as thoughStar Warsavoided a major mistake when Lucasfilm passed on Zack Snyder'sRebel Moon: Part One - A Child of Fire. Zack Snyder initially proposedRebel Moonas aStar Warsmovie, but the idea then morphed into a separate franchise.Snyder's movie promised to deviate fromStar Warsby...
Haden Blackman and Brian Ching’s 2005 miniseriesStar Wars: Obsessionended the story of Asajj Ventress on an ambiguous note. After being betrayed and critically injured by Count Dooku, Ventress appeared to have died in Obi-Wan Kenobi’s arms.In truth, Ventress entered a Force healing trance...
“This… is CNN” in a ubiquitous series of promos. The voice made such an impression that, when Luke Skywalker removed Vader’s helmet at the end ofReturn of the Jedi, many audience members were dismayed to see the face of elderly white English actor Sebastian Shaw, rather than Jones...
Boba Fett has a little fun with Han in Carbonite. The truth about Ponda Baba's bad day. President Bush is strong with the force in George of the Jedi. Luke and the Emperor settle things with a "yo mama" fight. Max Rebo's Greatest Hits goes on sale. Jar Jar and Anakin are ...
近日多家3D站点纷纷报道了NVIDIA已经收购mental image的新闻。我觉得,这无论对电影工业还是桌面PC图形界都是强有力的讯号。 自从NVIDIA收购了Larry Gritz的公司,拥有了RenderMan的兄弟Intropy后,马上就推出了连显示窗口都没有变的Gelato,号称是能够用自己家的GPU加速的电影级渲染器。就在几个星期前,Intel收购了Neoptic...
近日多家3D站点纷纷报道了NVIDIA已经收购mental image的新闻。我觉得,这无论对电影工业还是桌面PC图形界都是强有力的讯号。 自从NVIDIA收购了Larry Gritz的公司,拥有了RenderMan的兄弟Intropy后,马上就推出了连显示窗口都没有变的Gelato,号称是能够用自己家的GPU加速的电影级渲染器。就在几个星期前,Intel收购了Neoptic...
安德森训练男演员马克 Hamill ( 路加 Skywalker ) 和实行所有剑妨碍当在 lightsaber 期间的 Darth Vader 在帝国中决斗回击和 Jedi 的归来,穿 Vader 的服装。在原始星球大战三部曲中的安德森的作用在改造刀片的电影被突出显示,其中他作为为电影发展 lightsaber 技术的战斗舞蹈编导分享他的经验。