前言 kratos protos 生成pb.go文件时,会出现引用其他 proto 文件报错was not found or had errors,因找不到此文件而无法编译。 解决 首先我们先了解下 protoc 中 import 的两条规则: import 不允许使用相对路径; import 导入路径应该从根开始的绝对路径 这个根开始的绝对路径指的是$GOPATH/src开始的路径。 把对...
一.问题产生背景 最近业务中在对接grpc 接口,其中grpc 采用了protobuf 这种结构化的数据存储格式,可用于结构化数据的序列化,目前官方中已经支持多种语言。在一个proto 文件 import 另一个proto 文件,编译时报错 (Import "zeus/file.proto" was not found or had errors) 问题,接下来还原一下产生的这个问题; 二...
最近业务中在对接grpc 接口,其中grpc 采用了protobuf 这种结构化的数据存储格式,可用于结构化数据的序列化,目前官方中已经支持多种语言。在一个proto 文件 import 另一个proto 文件,编译时报错 (Import "zeus/file.proto" was not found or had errors) 问题,接下来还原一下产生的这个问题;
was not found or had errors protoc报错 李逍遥886关注赞赏支持was not found or had errors protoc报错 李逍遥886关注IP属地: 台湾 2019.04.01 11:38:40字数107阅读1,016 解决方案 将要生成的目标protobuf文件所在目录和所有目标protobuf文件所依赖的所有文件都引入进来就ok了。 比如当前文件依赖 data_unit 和ba...
tensorflow/core/util/test_log.proto: Import "google/protobuf/any.proto" was not found or had errors. tensorflow/core/util/test_log.proto:132:12: "google.protobuf.Any" is not defined. make: *** [/home/a_name/tensorflow/tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/proto/tensorflow/core/util/test_log...
8. - If there's not one yellow belly in the whole group, then...being brave doesn't have any meaning. 如果这个群体里每个人都表现得很勇敢,那么……勇敢就失去它原有的意义了 - Andie handles an impossible, situation with grace. That's not to be admired?
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Hybrid.RemotePowershellSession.RunCommand(String cmdlet, Dictionary`2 parameters, Boolean ignoreNotFoundErrors) Cause This can occur if proxy settings are configured incorrectly. For example, this can occur proxy settings do not allow access to the ...
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: rect2020. I then tried to delete and re-import the rect2020.gif file and was still encountering the same problem, even after a "save and compact". I'm not sure what else I may be missing. ...
Error when you post or print in Payables Management Error when you print checks in Payables Management Error when you save Vendor Maintenance information in Payables Management Errors have been found in this check batch Errors when looking up a Purchasing batch in Payables Management ...
Checking ReActor requirements... Error: The 'insightface==0.7.3' distribution was not found and is required by the application --- PLEASE, RESTART the Server! --- Launching Web UI with arguments: no module 'xformers'. Processing without... ...