9. Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough 失败是我选择的,你如果没有失败,你的创新还不够 Elon Musk, Entrepreneur 伊隆·马斯克 (企业家)
Was Thomas Edison an entrepreneur? Was Thomas Edison American? Was Nikola Tesla a scientist? Who is Thomas Edison? Was Ben Franklin a scientist? What type of scientist was Thomas Edison? Was Thomas Edison black? Did Thomas Edison patent the light bulb?
What was Christopher Columbus's nationality? What led to Henry Ford's success as an entrepreneur? What did Henry Ford study? What country was Benjamin Banneker from? How did Henry Ford die? What did Henry Ford invent in 1908? What nationality was Dostoevsky?
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Was Thomas Edison an entrepreneur? How did Thomas Edison die? Was Albert Einstein born in the year electric light bulbs were invented? Did Thomas Edison write any books? What was the first thing Benjamin Franklin invented? What were Ben Franklin's contributions to the study of electricity?
Was Thomas Edison an entrepreneur? Was Thomas Edison an engineer? Was Thomas Edison a scientist? Was Thomas Edison black? Was Thomas Edison Jewish? Who is Thomas Edison? Was Thomas Edison a Christian? Did Thomas Edison go to college? What nationality was Thomas Edison? Was Thomas Edison blind...
Was Thomas Edison an entrepreneur? Was Thomas Edison American? Who is Thomas Edison? Was Nikola Tesla a scientist? Did Thomas Edison work with Alexander Graham Bell? Was Thomas Edison black? Was Thomas Edison an immigrant? Did Thomas Edison patent the light bulb? Was Thomas Edison a Christian...