Sadi Seyni, a mother of five, learned about contraceptives after her second child was born, and then began spacing the births of her children (Talle, Niger, 2012). 住在尼日尔一个偏远乡村的萨迪 是六个孩子的母 亲,第三个孩子出生后她了解到避孕的有关知识,于是开始控制生育...
Sadi Seyni, a mother of five, learned about contraceptives after her second child was born, and then began spacing the births of her children (Talle, Niger, 2012). 住在尼日尔一个偏远乡村的萨迪 是六个孩子的母 亲,第三个孩子出生后她了解到避孕的有关知识,于是开始控制生育的...