My mail ballot has not arrived and I will not be in the state on Election Day. What can I do to vote? Is my early voting location the same as my Election Day polling place? My mail ballot is missing the secrecy envelope, what do I do? I am a student going to school out of sta...
“Here’s my only purpose in even being here today: get out and vote,” said Trump, who appeared to be in a noticeably better mood than his morning rally yesterday in Pennsylvania, where he criticized the media, polls and argued he shouldn’t have left the White House...
California's Second District Court of Appeal wrote, "Appellant's argument that a jury vote of of 10-2 for acquittal supports her credibility is not persuasive because the fact finder in the probation violation hearing was the trial judge, not the jury. Because...
The assumption was that each elector’s vote would be counted. But over time, all but two states (Maine and Nebraska) passed laws to give all of their electoral votes to the candidate who wins the state’s popular vote count. Any semblance of elector independence has been fully wiped out...
But you say, “My district is gerrymandered so that my vote doesn’t count.” I say, “Vote in every election and for every local and state office because it’s at the state level that districts are gerrymandered. Choose candidates who will district fairly or, more cynically, who will ...
In his first year on the Council Garrison attempted to use The Machine’s vote to prevent the School Board from becoming an elected body by adding a “straw poll” on alcohol use to the referendum on electing the board. His last minute effort to register students was the subject of a 199...
Mr. Gore, in his speech, was expected to thank his supporters, defend his hive-week battle as an effort to ensure, as a matter of principle, that every vote be counted, and call for the nation to join behind the new president. He was described by an aide as “resolved and resigned....
PrintFriendly Edward Savey Edward Savey holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of Georgia and a Master's degree in Public Administration with a focus on constitutional law from Georgetown University. He launched as its editor, striving to make complex ...
from 1926 to 2006. Some say it was Minolta's focus on the consumer market that ultimately led to its demise. Low-cost,affordable consumer cameraswere no match for the high-end professional models Minolta used to carry, and the brand eventually felt the effects where it counted—the bottom ...
The US House and US Senate would vote on who the President and VP will be. This has nothing to do with what Political Party that has power. Every State gets ONE VOTE, according to the 12th Amendment. 31 State Houses are held by Republicans, and 19 by Democrats. ...