communication by any Party to any other Party shallbeinwriting and shallbedeemed tohavebeendulygiven if hand delivered, faxed,ormailedbyUnited States certified mail, return receipt requested. (a) 一方向另一方发出的任何通知或信函应为书面形式,并且如果是专人递送...
could be substantiatedinthetimeofChrist; and that the violent mob to which Christwas deliveredwould have conformed to whatever [...] [...]新的理论李家通常是理所当然的一个或以下陈述外,即:基督将要被殉葬北坛,像典型的受害者(利未记1:1 0,11),这是一个各各公开处决的...
a我的MSN出了一点点故障 My MSN broke down little[translate] aNotice shall be sufficient for all such purposes if personally delivered, sent by first class, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, delivery by overnight courier with receipt of delivery, or facsimile transmission with...
a9. Late Delivery: Time shall be of the essence of this contract. The Goods shall be delivered at the time specified in the order. Goods may not be delivered more than 3 days early or no days late. The delivery performance of the Seller shall be measured along with quality measurements ...
aAll notices and submissions under this Agreement shall be given via certified mail with return receipt requested, overnight courier, confirmed facsimile or confirmed email. Such notice shall be deemed delivered, and the date of delivery shall be, upon receipt of confirmation from the Party to ...
Hello,I am seeking help to resolve an email issue.I am getting these sorts of emails flooding my inbox, but there are no obvious rule changes and I have...
a这就是我的学生证 This is my student identity card[translate] aWe have to take the bus to the school. 我们必须乘公共汽车对学校。[translate] a见老师要问好 Sees teacher to have to give regards[translate] a及时跟踪本工程的质量情况,对项目进行考核 Tracks this project promptly the quality situati...
Since 1995, Garrett has deliveredthousandsof presentations onInternet strategyto hundreds of leading accounting institutes, industry associations, Fortune 500 companies, small and medium-sized enterprises, business schools and otherlegal, medical, engineering, pro sports and executive educationorganizations. ...
The representative was helpful at this point, and told me to check my email for the return information. I promptly boxed the irons and shipped certified mail the following day. I waited about a month to follow up. I’m still waiting 2.5 months later. The representative I spoke with in ...
However, my post office informed me they have neither received nor delivered the book. Can you let me know what is going on as soon as possible? Dave Palmer To: Dave Palmer From: Rex Roeges Re: Lost book Dear Mr. Palmer, Thank you for contacting us. It is important to us that our...