In Germanic and Norse mythology, Loki was the fire god, descended from giants (who are often portrayed as enemies of the gods.) There are many stories about him. In some he is depicted as a likeable trickster, fond of jokes and disguises; in others he is clearly evil, as in the well...
位务身规人素它最位务身规人素它最In the Norse mythology, Loki was a trickster god, ___ he often caus
So disjointed, awkward, and ugly, you’d swear Marvel was caught totally by surprise whenIron Manbecame a smash and they rushed this into production. Loki has never committed a crime as bad as the casting of Tim Roth as the world’s ultimate soldier (who turns into a big bony turd mons...
Is Ares an evil god? Like almost all deities Ares is more accurately described as amoral rather than evil as he had both positive and negative traits (much like the concepts he embodied), though his negative traits are shown more often, and a number of people who study Greek mythology beli...
in one infamous scene, an “evil” Peter under the influence of his alien costume starts dancing through the streets of New York. Certainly, those moments were deeply out of touch with the movement toward grim and gritty heroes present in a lot of superhero movies of that time. But when ...
in one infamous scene, an “evil” Peter under the influence of his alien costume starts dancing through the streets of New York. Certainly, those moments were deeply out of touch with the movement toward grim and gritty heroes present in a lot of superhero movies of that time. But when ...