Dear Cecil: In mythology class the other day, my teacher mentioned that Agamemnon’s death mask had been found, which coupled with the discovery of Troy in the 19th century makes me wonder if the war and characters Homer described were real. What’s the evidence, and what’s the...
Menelaus’s brother Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, led an army to Troy, and after 10 years and the death of the hero Achilles, took the city by sending in warriors hidden within an enormous statue of a horse – The famous Trojan Horse. Did it Really Exist ? These tales were taken as fac...
Is Oedipus the King considered epic? Does Agamemnon die in The Iliad? Was Aristophanes a girl? Is Oedipus blind in Oedipus the King? Were Aeschylus' stories based off Homer? Does Antigone die in the play? Was Aesop Greek? Is Ismene older than Antigone? Is Oedipus Rex climactic or episodic...
Who is Agamemnon in The Iliad? Who is the messenger from Corinth in "Oedipus Rex"? Who wrote the prophecy in Oedipus the King? Who makes up the chorus in Oedipus the King? Who is Hecuba in the Aeneid? Who is the king in the Aeneid?
It talks about the confrontations of the warrior Achilles and King Agamemnon. The story is only about a few weeks after the end of the war, but it also talks about many of the Greek myths about the war. It tells the stories from the anger of Achilles, the death and funeral of Hector...
希腊神话之奥德修斯 Odysseus Penelope Ithaca Trojan War TheOdysseus TheintroductionofOdysseus OdysseuswasthekingoftherockyislandofIthaca,wherehelivedwithhiswifePenelopeandhissonTelemachus.WhenAgamemnonaskedtheGreekprincestothewaragainstTroy,Odysseus.toescapegoing,pretendedtobemad,ploughingthesandsand...
Brave men were living before Agamemnon And since, exceeding valorous and sage, A good deal like him too, though quite the same none; But then they shone not on the poet's page, And so have been forgotten:—I condemn none, But can't fin any in the present age Fit for my ...
The Agamemnon of Aeschylus by Aeschylus From these, I warn ye, vengeance broodeth still, A lion's rage, which goes not forth to kill But lurketh in his lair, watching the high Hall of my war-gone master 《阿伽门农》 [古希腊]埃斯库罗斯 ...
The second epic poem of Homer isThe Odyssey, it tells how the Greek hero Agamemnon, king of Ithaca, going home after the Trojan War. ( ) AI参考:答案是A,对。根据题干中的描述,第二个史诗是《奥德赛》,讲述了希腊英雄阿伽门农在特洛伊战争结束后回家途中的故事。因此,该描述是正确的,选项A为正确答...
Is Agamemnon's sacrifice in the Iliad? Was Aeschylus a historian? Is Regan an antagonist in ''King Lear''? Did Sophocles write comedies? Was Antigone right to bury Polyneices' corpse? Was Othello a slave in the play? Was Aristophanes married? Was Haemon locked in the cave in "Antigone"...