James R. Stoner 是《普通法与自由主义理论》一书的作者,目前是路易斯安娜州立大学的政治科学教授。 Was Leo Strauss wrong about John Locke? Surely that he was has been the consensus among historians of political thought, though their reasons are sometimes at variance. The Cambridge school, influenced ...
Was the French Revolution against absolute monarchy? Did Rome fall from civil war? Did the Agricultural Revolution cause the Scientific Revolution? Did women participate in the Iranian Revolution? Did the Haitian Revolution bring peace or chaos?
The foundation of Paine’s reasoning, like many Enlightenment thinkers, was John Locke’s social contract theory. This states that every person has a natural right to defend his or her “life, health, liberty, or possessions.” Government, according to Locke, was a necessary me...
Was John Locke part of the Scientific Revolution? Were the Bolsheviks an oligarchy? Was the Glorious Revolution peaceful? Is Monaco an absolute monarchy? Was Pythagoras alive during the Scientific Revolution? Did Copernicus start the Scientific Revolution? Was Thomas Locke part of the Scientific Revol...
Why did John Locke reject absolute monarchy? Why was Leo Tolstoy famous? Why did South Africa leave the British Empire? Why did Claude McKay write? Why did Nat Turner lead a rebellion? Why did Edgar Allan Poe quit college? Why did W.E.B. Du Bois criticize Marcus Garvey? Why did Marcus...
Did Thomas Hobbes favor an absolute monarchy? Did John Locke influence the Glorious Revolution? Did Thomas Nast want to expose political cartoonists? Was Napoleon Bonaparte an enlightened despot? Did Enlightenment come before classicism? Are any of the arguments presented by Thomas Paine in Common Se...
Was the French Revolution against absolute monarchy? Is the Egyptian Revolution over? Was the Maidan Revolution successful? Was the Russian Revolution successful? Was the Haitian Revolution communist? Was the Mexican Revolution socialist? Was the Algerian Revolution successful? Was the Agricultural Revoluti...
Was the French Revolution against absolute monarchy? Did the American Revolution cause the Haitian Revolution? Was the Cuban Revolution violent? Did the Mexican Revolution involve communism? Was the Haitian Revolution a radical or conservative movement? The Russian Revolution of 1905 had its roots in ...
A dominant viewpoint in modern historiography presents the demand for the separation of state and church as a response to the search for religious peace, so strongly advocated for by John Locke and the British Enlightenment, an interpretation that William Cavanaugh has called “the myth of wars ...