Jesus answered her, Neither do I damn thee; go and sin no more(耶稣对她说,妇人,没有人定你的罪吗?她说,主啊,没有。耶稣说,我也不定你的罪;去吧,从此不要再犯罪了)”。欧洲人头脑中对本国语言和外来语之间的区分曾令成千上万的人为之流血牺牲,为了捍卫这条界限,多少高尚的灵魂被抛弃在令人发狂的...
Jesus was God before His physical manifestation on earth, He was God as He walked as a man on earth, and He continues to be God, and always will be God—both co-existent with, and at the right hand of, the Father in heaven. ...
余音绕梁- 泰勒·斯威夫特 Fortnight MV首播 Taylor Swift I was supposed to be sent away, but they forgot to come and get me 我本应被送走 但他们忘了来接我 I was a functioning alcoholic till nobody noticed my new aesthetic 我曾一如既往 嗜酒如命 直到无人在意我的全新美学 All of this to say...
Jesus left the temple. As He was walking away, His disciples came up to Him and asked what He thought about the temple buildings. Jesus: Look around
5-6Jesus said, “You’re not listening. Let me say it again. Unless a person submits to this original creation—the ‘wind-hovering-over-the-water’ creation, the invisible moving the visible, a baptism into a new life—it’s not possible to enter God’s kingdom. When you look at ...
though you do not know Him. Having witnessed my closest friend baptized in the Holy Spirit one evening at his home, when I came to visit, I later went home and in the quiet of my bed, like my friend had done, asked Jesus "If you are who you say you are I want you to come int...
Was Jesus born in a stable or a house? The birth of Christ may be the most famous Bible story of all, reprised annually in nativity scenes across the world each Christmas: Jesus was born in a stable, because there was no room at the inn. Where is Nazareth now? Located in the beauti...
Theological Instincts happen when the paradigms of God’s Revelation are enacted in the ministry of the people of God such that God’s ministry to humanity is more clearly revealed. Jesus knew that “The Sabbath was made for humans, not humans for the S
The only verses in the whole Bible that explicitly ties God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in one "Triune" being is the verse of 1 John 5:7"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one."...
28So Isaac called for Jacob and blessedhim. Then he commanded him: “Do not marry a Canaanite woman.2Go at once to Paddan Aram,[b]to the house of your mother’s father Bethuel.Take a wife for yourself there, from among the daughters of Laban, your mother’s brother.3May God Almight...