Our induction programme is tailored to suit the needs, skills and experience of each new member of our board. The programme prepares new board members for their role with bp, recognizing the importance of supporting directors in meeting their statutory duties, increasing their understanding of...
"It is a big quality of our team to share the goals. Today we have done it again, scoring in three very different ways. Great, that's what we need. People up front have to be firing and have to be with that feeling and they are with that feeling right now." Asking Nwa...
So a folklorist is likely to emphasize aspects of a tradition which reflect his or her own interests or which fit in with preconceived ideas, while possibly ignoring or giving only passing mention to aspects which may, in fact, be of equal importance.One aspect which generally gets left out...
It is not a topic, you might think, which could detain for long even those wine nerds whose bedside tables groan with arcane publications devoted to the great Medoc vintages or the influence of canopy management. Yet Christy Campbell's story, expertly retailored, would make a compelling TV d...
tailored symposium symbolize syllables swayed surveyed surge supplementary superbly sundays summarized sullen suggestive suds subordinates stumbling stretches stillness stiffly sterile stepping steering steer steeple stacked stack sr spy sporting spontaneously sped specifications specially spat spared spacious spaced ...