not only because it represents the most perfect artistic realisation of progressive tendencies in recent musical history,[7] being the logical culmination of nineteenth-century musical developments, but it is also deemed superior onmoralgrounds. This view of Schoenberg was widely influential and rapidly...
The article begins by stating that Trump’s candidacy “is ultimately destructive for the American body politic and the political spectrum” and how he represents “an ideology that should be considered the antithesis to modern progressive ideas.” First off, if that idea doesn’t get you rock ...
At present the favoured tool is a combination of reducing interest rates and increasing the supply of money through quantitive easing. Karl Popper influenced me in my choice of names, he does as do I, belong in the school of ‘don’t knows’ or to put it more accurately we believe our ...
`Oh dear, Jeggit thought he was championing the cause of the progressives and gender identity when he published his series excoriating Marion Millar and #womenwontwheest. Instead, for his troubles, he got cancelled, link to` this is what what happens when two vitue...
As a complete album, it’s arguably the Swedish act’s most masterful and complete work, perfectly walking the line between brutal death metal and progressive beauty. Tracks such as “Ghost of Perdition,”“Atonement” and “The Grand Conjuration” still receive the most spirited of cheers whe...
1975 -i__ ist theory of law and expresses the opin- ion that the adversary system reflects the ethics of the "free enterprise" sys- tem. According 10Rapoport, the adver- sary system, like the capitalist system, is based on the theory that the clash of . competing interests will result ...
progressive medical doctors I know. He is a formally trained gastroenterologist from London, England. Over Six hundred came to hear him present his research here in Fort Lauderdale in a lecture sponsored by our organization. When he showed them how children get injured from vaccines, he got the...
Christ Was Not an Inerrantist, so Christians Should Not Be Either: How Jesus Read His Bible751for God is concern for people, and concern for people is concern for God. God and humans do not competefor our attention; they unite to sacralize our earthly work. Since God desires the flouris...
Although vocal support for antisemitism was in Hitler's day widespread across the American political spectrum -- from Henry Ford on the Right to "Progressives" on the Left -- such support is these days mostly to be found on the extreme Left and for such people Hitler is anathema. And ...
C* T here was present one regularly ordained negro clergym an, pre sent by virtue of his position. T he w hite clergym an and lay delegates absolutely refused to sit in th e convention w ith him an d le ft th e C hurch in a body. In N ashville, Tennessee, a B aptist m...