Mit Sportinhalten können Sie Ihre Marke großen Zielgruppen präsentieren. Die Zuschauerzahlen der National Football League (NFL) zum Beispiel sind gigantisch: Laut Nielsen waren 93 der 100 meistgesehenen Fernsehsendungen des Jahres 2023 NFL-Spiele.2Das heißt, wenn Ihre Marke bei Sport...
Resend email."},"localOverride":false},"CachedAsset:text:en_US-shared/client/components/common/Loading/LoadingDot-1739461266236":{"__typename":"CachedAsset","id":"text:en_US-shared/client/components/common/Loading/LoadingDot-1739461266236","value":{"title":"Loading..."},"loc...
Gridiron (kann nur in Champions Field (NFL) gespielt werden)– Der Standard-Rocket-League-Ball wird durch einen American Football ersetzt Super Cube– Der Ball hat die Form eines Würfels. Seine maximale Geschwindigkeit sowie sein Schwung sind erhöht Speed Demon– Raketens...
One of the top Super Bowl commercials in NFL history wasn't just about Detroit but starred the Lions' biggest fan, Eminem.
The winning combo of football and Thanksgiving kicked off way before there was anything called the NFL. The first Thanksgiving football game was a college match between Yale and Princeton in 1876, only 13 years after Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday. Soon after, Thanksgiving was pic...
Jim Beard, a keyboardist, producer and arranger who was playing for Steely Dan since 2008, has died due to complications from a sudden illness. He was 63. A rep for the musician confirmed Beard’s death to Variety in a statement issued on Wednesday. Beard died in a New York hospital ...
A remote detonator was reportedly found on the body of Thomas Matthew Crooks, and explosive materials, ammunition and a bulletproof vest were found in his car.
“Integrity?” Never heard of it. Luckily Perry White just happens to give him a bullshit college football assignment across the bay…the very presence of which tells me Our Filmmakers knew exactly what they were doing – or being asked to do by corporate, as the case may be. College foot...
Die Zuschauerzahlen der National Football League (NFL) zum Beispiel sind gigantisch: Laut Nielsen waren 93 der 100 meistgesehenen Fernsehsendungen des Jahres 2023 NFL-Spiele.2 Das heißt, wenn Ihre Marke bei Sportevents wie einem NFL-Spiel Werbung schaltet, können Sie damit rechnen, eine...