The suspicion the BBC had problems with its news and current affairs department began creeping out during the Cameron government and its taken a long time to piece things together and make a case for government and Tory party capture. I have come across teachers on social media saying t...
completely ignored by the chattering throng, so feeling a bit sorry for him I went over to introduce myself and chat a bit (see? Not a geek. Or am I trying too hard? /g).
“The Imperial team are very good, but these models were optimized for a different purpose which is influenza … everyone’s conscious of the fact that it has been rapidly converted from a different purpose and wasn’t originally designed for this type of virus and this type of transmission,...
“What we’ve known for a long time is one of the major causes of smell loss are upper respiratory tract infections due to viruses – a common cold, influenza – a subset of people lose their sense of smell, most of them temporarily, but a small subset lose that smell permanently,” ...