When Square Enix showcased Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth at Sony's most recent State of Play, my heart skipped a beat. It looked gorgeous, of course, not just because it seems like the latest portion of the trilogy will push PS5 hardware to its limits, but also because it marked a moment I...
After the long wait and platform exclusivity ofRemake, the PC release ofFinal Fantasy VII Rebirthis a breath of fresh air. It’s refreshing to see the success ofFinal Fantasy VII Rebirthon Steam, especially afterFinal Fantasy VII Remakehad a troublesome launch. The first part of the Remake...
"Death Note" is a thrilling watch that stays with you long after the final episode. It raises some interesting questions about justice and forces you to consider the fragility of life. "The basic underlying idea was that 'humans are not immortals and once they are dead, they do not come ...
- DIMENTIANON "Chapter VI: Burning Rebirth" CD - DRAWN AND QUARTERED "Return of the Black Death" CD - DRAWN AND QUARTERED "Extermination Revelry" CD - DRAWN AND QUARTERED "To Kill is Human" CD - DROWNING THE LIGHT "Amongst the Bones..." CD - DROWNING THE LIGHT "Long Forgotten in the...