Byline: Sam Dimmer CRIME REPORTERCoventry Evening Telegraph (England)
1) The assassin was sentenced to death.刺客被判死刑。2) earn the wages of si 被绞死;被判死刑3) be sentenced to death 被判处死刑 例句>> 4) The others were sentenced to death. 其余的被判死刑。5) He was condemned to death. 他被判了死刑。
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E: Version '7.4.33-ubuntu.22.04.221109.0743' for 'plesk-php74' was not found ... Installation wird nicht fortgesetzt Error: Die Ausführung von apt-get ist fehlgeschlagen. Fehlermeldung: Es wurden nicht alle Pakete installiert. Rufen Sie https://...
E. GarayR. AznarAntonie Van LeeuwenhoekMARTINEZ-BLANCH J, SANCHEZ G, GARAY E, AZNAR R. Evaluation of phenotypic and PCR-based approaches for routine analysis of Bacillus cereus group foodborne isolates [J]. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 2011, 99(3): 697–709. View ArticleMartínez-Blanch JF, ...
Comments on issues concerning British mass media and politics as of January 26, 2002. Reasons for the closure of the periodical 'Talk'; Comparison of Prime Minister Tony Blair with Conservative Party politicians.JohnsonFrankSpectator (00386952)...