called extended some measure of local self-gov- control of the local government of Puerto Rico was retained by the United States, however, by virtue of the President's authority undhr the act to appoint the Governor, the heads of the executive die- partments, the justices of the supreme co...
One other thing to consider – Stevenson screens that are easily accessible like that are prone to biases (or forcings, if you will) that “real climatologists” don’t usually consider – like vehicles being parked next to them. Look at the satellite view: (station ci...
(1U7N‐2I9S5T2) , Ulsan 44919, Korea *AcaCdeomrreics pEodnitdoern: cFee:dbeireilcaow Csiksin@euttni; Tel.: +82-52-217-2952 AReccaedievmedic: 1E3d Aitourg:uFsetd 2e0r1ic6o; ACciscnepetteid: 2 September 2016; Published: date ...