Was war und ist DDR-Literatur? Debatten um die Betrachtung der DDR-Literatur nach 1989The term 'GDR literature' has been subject to controversy, both for political reasons and for reasons of canonisation. Since the collapse of the GDR in 1989/90 the status of this literature has been ...
Parteitag der SED (Berlin 1986) 7. 10 Mannheim, Generationen 541-544. Kriterien für ein Modell der Jugendgenerationen der DDR 189 dung" (Niethammer) unabdingbar11. Gleichzeitig ist zu betonen, daß es nicht im- mer die nominell stärkste Generationseinheit sein muß, von der ...
What is the Spanish language plot outline for Folge 380 - Fleißige Geologen - Bodenschätze der DDR und was daraus wurde (2021)?Answer Please see our guide to updating awards See more gaps Learn more about contributing More from this title FAQ User reviews External reviews Metacritic rev...
Die Bedeutung von Anerkennung in der Aufarbeitung von Unrecht Was wir aus Biografien ehemaliger DDR-Heimkinder lernen knnendoi:10.30820/0171-3434-2024-2-76INSTITUTIONAL care of childrenSOCIAL supportSOCIAL actionThe term recognition can mean very different things. As a d...
In the former GDR the Catholic Church was able to establish comprehensive charitable activities that to a large extent were based on the resources of the faithful, and therefore had close ties with parish communities. Help could be extended not only at the level of church communities, but also...
the owner and founder of the Alkonost publishing house (1918–1923), as early as 1918 had decided to issue a journal called Dreamers' Notes, meant to bring together the Symbolist writers remaining in Russia after the October Revolution, primarily Aleksandr Blok, Vyacheslav Ivanov, and Andrei Bel...
(1U7N‐2I9S5T2) , Ulsan 44919, Korea *AcaCdeomrreics pEodnitdoern: cFee:dbeireilcaow Csiksin@euttni ist.ac.kr; Tel.: +82-52-217-2952 AReccaedievmedic: 1E3d Aitourg:uFsetd 2e0r1ic6o; ACciscnepetteid: 2 September 2016; Published: date ...
Michael OpitzAmsterdamer Beitrge Zur Neueren GermanistikOpitz, M. (2013). Was wird von der DDR-Literatur bleiben? In N. O. Eke (Hrsg.), „Nach der Mauer der Abgrund"? (Wieder-)Annaherungen an die DDR-Literatur (S. 83-103).