Dieses Phnomen ist vermutlich an morphologische Vernderungen der Weichkörperanatomie gekoppelt. Die Borregård-Fauna reprsentiert eine besondere Vergesellschaftung, die sich von anderen mittelkambrischen Ostrakodenassoziationen Baltoskandiens deutlich unterscheidet. Abgesehen von Vestrogothia longi...
She was uncompromising and Fearlessin her determination never to let the "an" part of her die, that expression of an inner vision of the world that she felt wasthe true road to self discovery. Unlike Lucy Maud. Emily was focused outwards, Foreverfilled with the wonder of the world amund...
John McCabe. Photo © Peter Thompson Songs of the Gardenis a cantata of immense possibilities, whose positive bestiary of fauna and flora ('To Daffodils', 'The hedge-sparrow'; 'A noiseless patient spider') promised much and might be relied on, given the composer's marvellous gifts of vibr...