Die Corporate Sustainability Directive der Europäischen Union ist ein neues Gesetz, das Unternehmen dazu verpflichtet, jährlich über Nachhaltigkeitsinformationen zu berichten.
und Integration 5.1 Kultur als Ressource und die Ankunft in der Mehrheitsgesellschaft Die Sprachlosigkeit und Distanz, die es in unserem Land lange zwischen der einheimischen Bevölkerung und den so genannten Gastarbeitern und ihren in Deutschland geborenen Kindern gegeben hat, ist über...
(42-year-old female, Nutritionist)" The data suggests a level of self-advocacy and deter- mination were required to overcome the lack of care continuity; however, this ongoing burden was stressful, exhausting, and incredibly challenging to maintain. I have the feeling, given American health...
The ruling party simply made up these numbers, a stupid strategy that backfired when in 1989 activists could prove that in fact many more No votes had been cast than were officially counted, and the obvious fraud sparked mass protests (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kommunalwahlen_in_der_DDR_...
Richard Lovelace is an English poet, soldier, and Royalist, whose graceful lyrics and dashing career made him the prototype of the perfect Cavalier with a legendary life as a soldier, lover, and courtier. Persecuted for his unflagging support of King Charles I, he died in dire poverty. His...
(Europa, 2020), as part of the EuropeanGreen Deal(2019). The French government has a policyL’entreprise, objet d’interet collectif(Republique Francaise, 2018) proposing the formulation of a raison d’etre by French companies to manage the company in its own inter...
2. Those identified in other sources as Bahā’īs.Other sources include Iranian Muslim, Zoroastrian, Jewish and European sources. Here again, such identifications are open to challenge since it was not uncommon for individuals to be identified as “Bābīs” (i.e., Bahā’īs) as a way of...