Was ist eine statische Methode? Unter einer statischen Methode versteht man in Java eine zu einer Klasse und nicht zu einer Instanz einer Klasse gehörende Methode. Die Methode ist für jede Instanz einer Klasse zugänglich. Die in einer Instanz definierten Methoden können jedoch nur von...
Aktualisiert am 15 November 2023 Was ist eine Verschlüsselungs-Backdoor? Eine Verschlüsselungs-Backdoor (Verschlüsselungs-Hintertür) ist eine Technik, bei der ein System-Sicherheitsmechanismus unbemerkt umgangen wird, um auf einen Computer oder seine Daten zuzugreifen. Die Zugriffsmethode dur...
Tmall Global ist Ihr Tor zum chinesischen Markt Als größte E-Commerce-Plattform in China haben Sie wahrscheinlich schon von Alibaba(6) gehört, einem B2B-Unternehmen, das Großhandelsexporteure in China mit Ländern auf der ganzen Welt verbindet. Was Sie wissen sollten, ist Tmall Gl...
IPsecist kein einzelnes Protokoll, sondern umfasst mehrere unterschiedliche Verschlüsselungsprotokolle, die aber grundlegend mit derselben Methode arbeiten. Dazu gehören zum BeispielIKEv2(Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2), das durch eine hohe Sicherheit dank AES-Verschlüsselung und seine St...
withdrawal from Afghanistan, Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, and Hamas’ brutal 2023 attack on Israel that triggered the ongoing war in the Middle East. As Biden prepares to leave office, he remains insistent that his one-term presidency has made strides in restoring American credibility on...
As a keyboardist during this early chapter of his career, Foster kept searching for those key ingredients. He played on a pair of George Harrison records (Extra Texture and Thirty Three & 1/3) and also lent overdubbed piano to Lynyrd Skynyrd's third studio album Nuthin' Fancy (1975). One...
On that black Friday morning, I distracted myself by helping Rick alert the press to Steve’s death. Steve had been a palpable presence at the two shows he had running then (a revival of Company as well as Assassins), both of which had holiday matinees that afternoon. The goal was to...
Though Uganda has had homophobia enshrined in its legal code since it was a British protectorate, the Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2023 is a drastic escalation. Previously, homosexuality was punished with life in prison,according to the Advocate. The new...
I began my first practice on a Friday afternoon. What surprised me most was that I found Dad sitting in the stands and watching us go through our drills. We finished our regular practice, and Mr. Evans motioned for my father to come down to the court. ...
Between 2023 and this year, were you able to take any time off to work on this new record, or was it done in between touring? Juan Javier Cantú:There were times when we were touringEl Comienzothat we would record before the people got inside the theater. We would record onstage. We...