In some cases, microaggressions in the context of fetishization become actual insults and offenses. The intention is always to diminish the value of the identity of the TGNB person. Someone wanted me because I’m “the best of both worlds.” They used inappropriate words to describe my gend...
Dieser Intuition zufolge sollen Frauen ›von Natur aus‹ gewalt- avers sein (was häufig mit ›mütterlichen Instinkten‹ verknüpft wird, vgl. kritisch MacKenzie 2009: 247), während Männer natürlicherweise (zumindest deutlich eher als Frauen) zu Aggression und Gewalttätigkeit n...
Jede Übersetzung ist für Şenocak nun »eine Deutung, die Beleuchtung eines Begriffs aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven. Wenn die Leuchtkraft abnimmt, bleibt vieles im Dunkeln. Aus dem Dunklen wachsen Ängste und Aggressionen.« Siehe hierzu: Şenocak, Zafer (2005): »Die Hilflos...
he criticized President James Buchanan for not dealing sternly and swiftly with the Southern rebels during the last months of his administration. He believed that the secessionist movement was a conspiracy of the planter elite and had to be stopped by force if necessary. Additionally, ...
It hasn’t escaped my attention that similar US government aggression and outsoiurcing their loses has also had a public policy impact on Europe and East-Asia. Both are mitigating against US policy aggression and Europe more recently is viewing the US as a not wholly trustworthy partner...
acts (Overcast and Aftershock) at the turn of the century and, with 2002’sAlive or Just Breathing, made the subgenre fashionable and illustrious. While other groups have veered more toward the hardcore side, KSE repeatedly juxtapose pure metal aggression with both monstrous and melodic singing, ...
acts (Overcast and Aftershock) at the turn of the century and, with 2002’sAlive or Just Breathing, made the subgenre fashionable and illustrious. While other groups have veered more toward the hardcore side, KSE repeatedly juxtapose pure metal aggression with both monstrous and melodic singing, ...
The students were helping ProPublica test an aggression detector that’s used in hundreds of schools, health care facilities, banks, stores and prisons worldwide, including more than 100 in the U.S. Sound Intelligence, the Dutch company that makes the software for the device, plans to open an...
aggression advise ads admire admiration admirable adds adaptation accuse accumulated accomplishments accidental abolition abandonment zoo zing yell wyoming wright's wrath worldly workable withdrew wisman wishful winner willy wicked who'd whipping wept weighing warnings walton von volunteer voluntarily voltaire ...
If the Bubliki quotation was really meaningful for the fabula of the Concerto (regardless of the possible Sinyavsky–Tertz symbolism), what could connect this marginal (in the Soviet space) song with Anna Akhmatova and her Silver Age and/or Stalinist era of terror, with her charismatic figur...