根据“Farming was considered part of the country life in the past. But now...”可知,前后句存在转折关系,过去耕种被认为是乡村生活的一部分,但现在城市里也出现了农场。故选B。 (2)题详解: 句意:但现在,农场来到了城市,甚至可以在高高的阳台上找到它们。 high高;far远;wide宽;large大。根据“they ...
sconflictwithherson?A.Toleadintheuseofperiodintexting.B.Toemphasizethegreatpowerofwords.C.Toshowyoungsters?attitudestowardstexting.D.Tosuggesttherightuseofpunctuationmarks.( )6.WhyisJuanAbenanteRinconmentionedinthetext?A.Tomakeassessmentsontherecentstudy.B.Toconfirmthefindingsoftherecentstudy.C.Toputforwa...
In the1930s,DanWestwasfarminginSpain.Itwaswartime,andpeoplewerestarving(挨饿).Ani_1.___ hithimashehandedoutcupsofmilktochildren.“Thesechildrendon’tneedacup.Theyneedacow.”Thiswastheb 2.___ ofHeiferInternational. HeiferInternationalgivesdifferentk3.___ ofgifts.Itsgiftsmightsay“quack”or“moo...
根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词In the 1930s, Dan West was farming in Spain. It was wartime, and people were starving . An i小题1: hit him as he handed out cups of milk to children. “These children don’t need a cup. They need a cow. This was the b
Passage 9 根据短文内容及首字母提示.填写所缺单词. In the 1930s,Dan West was farming in Spain.lt was wartime,and people were starving .An i 1 hit him as he handed out cups of milk to children.“These children don't need a cup. They need a cow. This was
" Marcos explained that he was old and his back hurt. He said that Paolo was lazy and did not help him with the farming. "Marcos, you need to use your3as much as your back. I have an idea for you." Luigi said. Early the next morning Marcos rushed into Paolo's room. "I found...
He said that Paolo was 4 and did not help him with the farming. “Marcos you need to use your 5 as much as your back. I have an idea for you ”Luigi said. Early the next morning Marcos rushed into Paolo's room. “I found your grandfather's map!” he cried. “We may find 6...
In the 1930s, Dan West was farming in Spain. It was wartime, and people were getting very hungry. As he handed out cups of milk to children, an idea hit him. "These children don't need a cup. They need a cow." This was the start of Heifer International. Send Some Cows Do you...
完形填空 Martin was a good man.He had a small 1 in the town.Only Sam and Henry 2 for him.One day three of them went to the city to buy things for the shop.On the way they 3 a genie.The genie said, I can make everyone's wish come true. 4 you tell m
Soon after, her parents put in a backyard garden.5.her friends came to their house, Kendall Rae enjoyed sharing what she knew about farming. She says, “My friends would help me water6.care for the plants. They started to enjoy farming, too.” At age six, she became the youngest cert...