His occupation also connects him to other biblical figures like David, who was also a shepherd before becoming king. what he saw concerning IsraelThe phrase "what he saw" indicates that Amos received visions from God. These visions were concerning Israel, the northern kingdom, despite Amos ...
From Adam to Abraham - Adam was the father of Seth, Seth was the father of Enosh, Enosh the father of Kenan, Kenan the father of Mahalalel, Mahalalel
Davidde, Tanny, Lan, a sorbol, Abba, Danette, nibs, Somali, MacRae, Yael, Shwalb, Danie, Malaccan, a logo, Gallico, Dhar, Otter, a grammar, Trabue, Maretta, Yazd, an axil, ICJ, Lupercus, a tow, Izmir, UPWA, Tovey, Badb, an afar, a dah, Celaya, Vlos, a bish, Pahl, a...