would have not really averted D. could have not averted 2 That was a man-made disaster that clearly()if the federal government, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, had quickly marshaled the political will and resources to evacuate those without access to cars, instead of promoting on its...
This was the pub that a UK government minister took the unprecedented step of closing ahead of an Old Firm game to ease sectarian tensions in 2002. Today, a tattered union flag on a lamp-post outside is the only reminder of the past...
Throughout late winter and early spring, it seemed almost weekly that the federal government was facing a potential shutdown. There were numerous instances where a shutdown appeared imminent but was narrowly averted due to spending cuts in the billions of d...
Less than six months after the state’s shutdown began, a report by Feeding America found that New Mexico was one of the worst food-insecure states in the country. The coronavirus has had a devastating impact on people facing hunger across the country, Feeding America found in a recent repo...