This update won’t completely knock the popular SMG out of the meta, but players will most likely start using theAMR9orHRM-9more for gunfights 10 meters or closer.
Warzone's Season 5 Reloaded update brings a fair few changes, but principally is about some new additions in the form of new operator bundles and weapons. New weapons There are three new weapons being added to Warzone in Season 5 Reloaded: the Pickaxe (Melee), Lachmann Shroud (Su...
Compatible with:Rival-9 (SMG) MW3 Warzone Season 1 General Adjustments Backup Pistol Quality of Life: When you don’t have a handgun equipped in your loadout you’ll unholster a base attachment COR-45 while performing the following actions: ...
Also, with Raven buffing the Pellington’s damage in Season 5 Reloaded, it’s brilliant when paired up with a meta SMG or AR. It’s worth noting that to knock an opponent with the Pelington, you’ll need to land headshots. So, if you’ve got a sharp aim and prefer a less stationa...
While it’s not looking like it will challenge some of thebest Warzone gunsin the meta right now, it does still pack a heavy punch. It’s also not clear if this hidden Streetsweeper challenge is a glitch or was intentional. If dropping secret challenges for the community to discover and ...
Well, then, you’re going to want to check out the CR-56 AMAX (or just AMAX if you’re friends). This assault rifle has undergone a few alterations in the last handful of major weapon balancing changes and it’s slowly creeping back into theWarzone meta. With that in mind, let’s ...
Helpful for those times when a 5.5x scope does not fit on a fast-firing SMG or when a Sniper Rifle needs an extended mag, the Workbench will become another way to spend that hard-earned Cash on something impactful for that infiltration and be...
As always, a large-scale update inCoDmeans balancing for weapons to shake up the meta. This update is big on nerfs to close-range capabilities of assault rifles, which have universally had their hipfire nerfed. Better grab a good SMG. ...
This Automaton can probably hold its own at closer ranges, but you should always consider taking an SMG with you into the fight. Check out thisOwen Gun Warzone loadoutor thisPPSh Warzone loadoutfor a potential meta-busting secondary.
The BAS-P has entered and left the Warzone meta numerous times since its release in late 2022, but it’s now resurfacing as a top contender for the best SMG in the battle royale thanks to recent buffs. Most importantly, the BAS-P now has greatly improved damage range and ADS speed. ...