振奋人心的经济史当当当。内容如题,教材如下,是Cambridge University Press为华威编辑的两本书,外面貌似...
I’d say that the higher quality of teaching delivered to economics student actually position them better while WBS courses tend to be easier and modules are a bit more of « empty vessels of knowledge » where you don’t learn much and don’t develop your skills that much, a bit ...
Class and Capitalism in a Neoliberal World History of Sociological Thought 45 CATS optional modules from 1st year modules Year 2: Designing and Conducting Social Research Intermediate Social Analytics: Survey Design and Data Collection Intermediate Social Analytics: Survey Analysis and Reporting 75 CATS o...
华威大学(The University of Warwick,又译:沃里克大学或沃芮克大学) 位于英国英格兰中部华威郡的一所顶尖大学,向来以其高水平的学术研究和师生互动教学而闻名。学校创立于1965年,现有22,000余名在校生及近5,000名教职人员,包括来自120多个国家和地区的6000余名海外留学生,相当具有国际化风范,估计目前国际校友已累积至...
Computational Pathology Toolbox developed by TIA Centre, University of Warwick. - TissueImageAnalytics/tiatoolbox
I joined the first cohort to be taught BA Liberal Arts at the University of Warwick in 2016. Next to my pathway in Film and Television, I studied a broad range of subjects across the humanities and social sciences, ranging from Design Thinking to Sustainability, Art History and Philosophy. ...
The Warwick Business School was like a dream come to life for me. The University ranking speaks for itself, from top-tier facilities to some of the best professors I had to honour to study with I fell in love with my course. Interactions with people from all over the world gave me a ...
EC104 世界经济史 ( The WorldEconomy: History and Theory) 30CATS 振奋的经济史当当当。内容题,教材如下,是Cambridge University Press为华威编辑的两本书,外面貌似买不到(说的好像真有人不学这课但是去买书看似的…) 由于是一门被大家吐槽的比较惨的课,但是它是纯经济必修…这里了几个人对它的评价,...