留学申请 北美中心 找学校 查专业 看攻略 英国 澳洲 美国 日本 新西兰 新加坡 测测专业申请成功率 Economics, Politics and International Studies 经济学,政治学和国际研究 学位类型:BSc 专业方向:经济金融 所属学校:University of Warwick(华威大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...
首页 留学申请 北美中心 找学校 查专业 看攻略 测测专业申请成功率 Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) 哲学、政治学和经济学(PPE)学位类型: 专业方向:经济金融 所属学校:University of Warwick(华威大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 免费留学咨询 扫码留学问题随时咨询 在线咨询 4006152656 ...
成绩:A*AA(预估分) 语言成绩:7.0(R8.0, L7.5, W6.5, S6.0) 面试笔试:无 申请时间:2024年1月初 录取时间:2024年4月中 录取院校:华威大学The Univeristy of Warwick-全球政治经济研究学士BSc/BA Economics Politics and International Studies 世界排名:2024年QS世界大学排名第67 2024年THE世界大学排名第106 20...
Andrew Williams's research interests lie in moral and political philosophy and practical rationality, as well as intersecting areas in economics and politics. He is especially interested in issues of distributive justice, including ones arising across states and generations. His current work examines ...
Arts & Humanities艺术与人文;Law & Politics法律与政治;Business Management商业管理;Life Sciences (Biology)生命科学(生物学);Computer Science计算机科学;Mathematics & Statistics数学与统计;Economics经济学;Psychology心理学;Engineering (Physics)工程学(物理学);Social Science社会科学;Finance金融学 ...
Economics & Business Studies 经济与商业研究 English Language 英语语言 English Literature 英语文学 French 法语 Further Maths 高等数学 Geography 地理 German 德语 Government & Politics 政府与政治学 Greek 希腊语 History 历史 Latin 拉丁语 Maths 数学 ...
Some of the most famous alumni of Warwick include Conservative politician David Davis, and former Nigerian president Yakubu Gowon. more Rankings Select the type of rankings below to see stats World University Rankings 2024=106th Arts and Humanities 202461st Business and Economics 202426th Clinic...
Mohamed Hussain Shareef (Economics and Politics) - former Chief Government Spokesman and Presidential Spokesman of Maldives. Ahmed Thasmeen Ali (Economics) - Electer Leader of the Opposition DRP in Maldives. Owain James (Maths and Economics) - Former President of the National Union of Students. ...
Faculty of Social Sciences; Applied Linguistics, Economics, Education, Philosophy, Politics and International Studies, Warwick Business School, Law, Sociology. Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine; Biology, Chemistry, Computer Sciences, Cyber Security, Engineering, Health Sciences, Mathematics and ...
经济系华威大学经济系在英国媒体发布的2020《完全大学指南》排名中位居全英第三;在Research Papers in Economics根据IDEAS数据库对全球大学经济系进行的排名中,华威大学经济系位居英国第三;在2008年英国大学“研究成果评估检查报告”中,华威大学经济系于经济学和计量经济学领域位居全英第三 ;在2019软科世界大学学术...