Arts & Humanities艺术与人文;Law & Politics法律与政治;Business Management商业管理;Life Sciences (Biology)生命科学(生物学);Computer Science计算机科学;Mathematics & Statistics数学与统计;Economics经济学;Psychology心理学;Engineering (Physics)工程学(物理学);Social Science社会科学;Finance金融学 Compulsory Courses ...
的学长分享就读体验: 我华威大学master at Management and Organisational Analysis in WBS的学生,由于本科的专业是工商管理,同时我对社会学感兴趣,这个专业是management与social science的结合,所以我选择了这个专业。华威一所非常特别的大学,她很年轻,是历年来稳定排在全英前十大学里,唯一一所没有过百年历史的,确切...
Results from the coursework from this module may be partly used to determine of exemption eligibility in the computer based assessment components of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries modules CS1, CS2, CM1 and CM2. (Independent application to the IFoA may be required.) 该模块在第2学期的后...
申请要求: Alevel: AAA to include Mathematics and Physics.We also ask for a pass in the science practical assessment (if applicable). IB:38 to include 6, 6 in Mathematics and Physics - at least one of these subjects should be at Higher Level BTEC:We welcome applications from students who ...
A suite of modules unique to this course is designed to reflect current developments in education and a broad range of theatre and drama work. This course provides practical experience of a wide range of drama and theatre practices. The weekly practical workshops are run by Module Leaders, ...
其他请见Economics Modules Page
数学分析三(Mathematical Analysis III) 科学传播(science communication) 多线性代数(polylinear algebra) 多变量分析(multivariate analysis) 第三年 可选模块中进行选择(Choose from optional modules) 第四年 研究项目(Invention project) 数学在行动(math in action)...
for any student taking a business or management degree. Business statistics provides the student with a basic knowledge of probability and statistical concepts, including the ability to be critical of reported quantitative information, skills that are essential for other modules and careers in business....