Part of the University of Warwick, we have an international reputation for top quality education and research in management and business.
2. 学科设置:华威大学提供广泛的本科和研究生课程,涵盖人文、社会科学、自然科学、工程学、医学等多个领域。其商学院(Warwick Business School)尤为著名,提供一系列商业和管理课程。 3. 研究成果:华威大学在研究方面表现卓越,特别是在数学、统计学、经济学、工程学、计算机科学等领域。该校的研究成果对学术界和工业界...
华威商学院(Warwick Business School),简称WBS,是华威大学旗下最大的学术院系,也是英国第一家获得三重认证的商学院(AMBA、AACSB、EQUIS),前身是成立于1967年的华威工商学院。作为一所年轻但实力强劲的国际化商学院,WBS被誉为英国顶尖的商科教育机构之一,近几年在各大主流排行榜中亦居英国前5、世界前30。华威商学...
华威大学商学院(Warwick Business School)? 华威商学院坐落于英国华威郡,考文垂市郊的华威大学校园内,由三座主建筑构成。地处英百格兰的正中使华威商学院尽度管处于相对乡村的位置却仍能够保持与海内外迅捷而方便的联系。 华威商学院是英国第一家取得三大商学院认证内(Triple Accreditation)的商学院,这三家商学院认证机...
University of Warwick - Warwick Business SchoolIván Serrano
DepartmentWarwick Business School The University of Warwick is a world-class campus university, renowned for its excellent teaching and ground-breaking research. We are ranked 64th in the QS World University Guide 2023 and listed within the top ten UK universities in all three major nationa...
华威商学院华威商学院(Warwick Business School),简称WBS,是华威大学旗下最大的学术院系,也是英国第一家获得三重认证的商学院(AMBA、AACSB、EQUIS),前身是成立于1967年的华威工商学院 。作为一所年轻但实力强劲的国际化商学院,WBS被誉为英国顶尖的商科教育机构之一,近几年在各大主流排行榜中亦居英国前5、...
Warwick Business School is a prominent educational institution specializing in business and management studies. The school offers a range of programs including undergraduate, postgraduate, MBA, executive education, and doctoral courses, as well as conducting research in various business-related fields. War...
Warwick Business School - University of Warwick Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA inMBA full time The sector of MBA Full Time The directives positions must be occupied by managers and entrepreneurs capable of directing and leading organizations in a competitive, global...