Quantity of Warts Dictates Their RemovalDear Dr. Donohue: I have warts on my hands, back and in places where the sun has never shone. There are too many of them for the doctor to use the acid method of removal. What causes warts? Is there another answer?Dr. Paul Donohue...
Grow on the fingers, near the nails, and on the backside of the hands. Show up where the skin had been broken, such as from fingernail biting or hangnail picking. Feel like rough bumps on the skin Foot – Plantar Plantar types sometimes: ...
By Guest | 1 post,last postover a year ago Dhruv Gupta, MDanswered this Warts On The Hands And Feet: Common Wart Removal Tips, Home Remedies & Treatments Read more New ReplyFollowNew Topic Guestover a year ago i belive that i may have genital warts they are flesh colored and cover pre...
Some larger warts require laser treatment, or surgical removal.Do not treat genital warts yourself with nonprescription drugs used for wart removal on hands, because these chemicals can make the genital area very sore.Your doctor may prescribe a medication that you can apply to the warts at ...
Warts On The Hands And Feet: Common Wart Removal Tips, Home Remedies & Treatments Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Vs Urinary Tract Infections (UTI): Can You Tell Symptoms Apart? Can Genital Herpes Cause Recurrent UTIs? View more Related...
The infection causes rough, skin-colored bumps to form on the skin. The virus is contagious. You can get warts from touching someone who has them. Warts most commonly appear on the hands, but they can also affect the feet, face, genitals, and knees. ...
I have been troubled and irritated by the wart on my hands and feet and have been looking for the best treatment for wart removal. Thanks for writing this article. I will surely try this at home. to Sonali Shinde" aria-label='reply to this comment to Sonali Shinde'>reply to this ...
Common warts: Small, rough bumps typically flesh coloured or greyish with small black specks; they appear alone, usually on hands and fingers (common among children). Flat warts: Small, smooth lesions that form clusters on the face, legs or back of the hands. ...
someone with warts and you have broken skin, it is possible that the virus will be passed on to you. Some warts persist for months and even years, except when permanent removal treatments are done. But even then, some people see recurrence of wart problems even after the removal treatment....
Warts can spread from one area of your body to another. If you have warts on your hands, you risk spreading them to your face or other body parts. This can be particularly concerning if you have genital warts, which can be spread through sexual contact. ...