主要翻译 英语中文 wartn(growth on the body)SCSimplified Chinese疣yóu SCSimplified Chinese痦yóu,wù Tina has a wart on her finger. 蒂娜的手指上有一个痦子。 wartnfigurative(imperfection)SCSimplified Chinese缺点quē diǎn TCTraditional Chinese缺點 ...
Warts can appear as soft, raised masses with a surface that can be smooth (on the penile shaft) or rough with many fingerlike projections (anal warts). Others may appear pearly, cauliflower-like, or rough with a slightly dark surface. Most lesions are raised, but some may be flat with ...
Convolutional networks on graphs for learning molecular fingerprints. NIPS 2015. paper David Duvenaud, Dougal Maclaurin, Jorge Aguilera-Iparraguirre, Rafael Gómez-Bombarelli, Timothy Hirzel, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Ryan P. Adams. Molecular Graph Convolutions: Moving Beyond Fingerprints. Journal of comput...
Plantar warts(verrucae plantaris): Plantar warts, by definition, occur on the plantar surface, or bottom, of the foot. They usually occur in high-pressure areas such as the heel and the metatarsalheads (just behind the toes). Plantar warts usually grow into the skin, not outward like common...
I had a wart on my left index finger for about 10 years. Tried just about everything the doctor recommended including freezing it off. I found out about using vinegar to cure warts. This is what I did. Soaked a small piece of a cotton ball in white vinegar, squeezed out the excess,...
We propose that drug-induced suppression of cell-mediated, and to a lesser extent, humoral immunity, may predispose people to develop warts.doi:10.1159/000250949Ingelfinger, Julie R.Grupe, Warren E.Topor, MicheleLevey, Raphael H.S. Karger AGDermatology...
When I Got a Wart on My Finger… And that’s what happened to me. I got a common wart. Yes. Me. A grown woman. I don’t know how I got it. I don’t know where I picked up the virus. But I did. On the pad of my middle finger. Right hand. I hated it. It embarrassed...
Because most self-testing kits have a 4-month expiration date, collected samples must be sent to the lab as soon as possible: Finger prick sample collection: You prick the tip of your finger with a small needle and collect your blood in a container. This sample can be tested for human ...
Oh, and no matter who has the warts (a.k.a. male genital warts or female genital warts) do not use over the counter medicine for them as they were not meant for these types of warts. I was lucky I had a small breakout of warts on my finger for about 2 years and they have not...
Plantar warts are growths on the foot that are caused by HPV. Several plantar warts may appear in a group. It's also possible to have one wart at first but more form over time.1 Plantar warts have grainy, finger-like fibers with a hardened callus. If a plantar wart is trimmed back,...