a.A hard rough lump growing on the skin, caused by infection with certain viruses and occurring typically on the hands or feet. b.A similar growth or protuberance, as on a plant. 2.A genital wart. 3. a.One that resembles or is likened to a wart, especially in unattractiveness or sma...
I have deep warts on heel. What produce plantar warts? It bothers me a lot. What is treatment? Please answer to me. Remove Ads Guestover a year ago Hi! Plantar warts are produced from a viral infection in the skin. While plantar warts occur on the bottom or "plantar" part of the ...
The American Academy of Dermatology Associationrecommendsseeking medical treatment for warts on the face or genitals, for warts that burn, itch, or bleed, and for warts that you suspect might be some other type of growth (such as a potential skin cancer). If you aren’t sure, get a profes...
A wart is a small, usually rough growth on the skin. Although warts are caused by a virus, they can usually be easily removed by...
noun(pathology) a firm abnormal elevated blemish on the skin Synonyms wart Related Words blemish mar defect common wart condyloma acuminatum genital wart venereal wart verruca acuminata juvenile wart plantar wart pathology keratosis Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princet...
Precancerous Skin Growth Actinic keratoses are dry, scaly patches or spots that appear on the skin of some persons (AKs). An AK, which is also caused by excessive sun exposure, is not skin cancer. An AK is a precancerous skin growth that can develop into squamous cell carcinoma, a fre...
a wart composed of a single or many greatly elongated papillae; appears more commonly on the face and neck. Synonym(s):filiform wart Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 filiform wart A nonspecific term for a verruca vulgaris with a filiform surface, a distinction of uncertain cl...
Genital warts are benign papillomatous, pedunculated, or sessile growths which occur throughout the anogenital area, including the vulva, vagina, cervix, penis, scrotum, urethra, perineum, perianal skin, and anal canal. From: Atlas of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS (Fourth Edition), 2010...
wart /wɔːɹt/, /wɔːt/名词 en (pathology) A type of deformed growth occurring on the skin caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). 字典中的翻译英文 - 納瓦荷語 sęęs 名词 细节 en type of growth occurring on the skin ...
Warts are small growth on the skin caused by viruses. Warts can develop in any part of the body where there is a break in the skin. They can be treated by different methods like freezing, burning, or lasertreatment but prevention is better than cure. Warts are not life-threatening but ...