1.a small, often hard growth in the skin, usu. caused by a papillomavirus. 2.any small protuberance, as on the surface of certain plants, the skin of certain animals, etc. 3.any unattractive detrimental feature or aspect:a profile of the man, warts and all. ...
A local growth of the outer layer of the skin (theepidermis) caused by a virus. The virus of warts (a papillomavirus) is transmitted by contact. The contact can be with awarton someone else or one on oneself (autoinoculation). Warts that occur on the hands or top of the feet are cal...
it is possible that plantar warts can rarely become invasive malignancies. Any wart-like lesion on the sole of the foot that does not resolve after appropriate therapy and continues to enlarge should be biopsied and
Warts are benign growths on the skin of patients caused by a viral infection. Often warts disappear over time. Warts are removed by surgical and nonsurgical procedures. How is Wart Removal performed? Wart removal is performed by applying medications like salicylic acid or cantharidin onto the wart...
type of growth occurring on the skin [..] The little ones are licking each other again, and Harry's got a seeping wart on his extra toe. Maleni se opet ližu međusobno, a Harry ima gnojnu bradavicu na šestome nožnom prstu. ldemo? en.wiktionary.org verruca noun ...